Ace Double:
- A.E. van Vogt – The Twisted Men
A.E. van Vogt has earned himself a place among the masters of science fiction for his amazing skill at creating unprecedented situations and startling new ideas. In THE TWISTED MEN his talent is highly evident.
A spacecraft returns with the discovery that the solar system is doomed, Nobody believes it , but a handfull of people decide to attempt the migration to another star system, just in case. They pin their chances on an experimental star ship called, appropiately, Hope of Man.
That’s just the beginning of a spectaculair trio of cosmic adeventures and mind-challenging concepts, which involve the whole future span of humanity and the lenght and breadth of the universe.
- Calvin M. Knox – One of our asteroids is missing
John Storm’s return to Earth was triumphant: He was about to become a millionaire. Now there was only the routine job of validating his claim to the asteroid he’d found. But there was one problem – the computer had no record of Storm’s claim. And stranger yet, the computer had no record of John Storm. He didn’t officially exist!
There seemed only one possible explanation to the nightmare Storm found himself in – Someone wanted Storm’s asteroid. There had to be something on that tiny celestial body worth a great deal more than the reactive ores Storm had dicovered. And that something was obviously worth the obliteration of anyone or anything getting in the way.